Imports tag
The imports tag contains a set of import tags. The imports tag is a child of the mission_data tag
<import name="sub-file-one.xml" />
<import name="sub-file-nope.xml" skip="${skipNope}" />
<import name="sub-file-two.xml" create="CreateEventName" destroy="DestroyEventName" />
import tag
The import tag specifies a name of a file to import. The file’s path is relative to the file importing it.
You can make your generated script smaller by excluding some aspects, or create create your own adventure like scripts.
If import includes the skip attribute. The value of the skip attribute will be calculated. If true it will not include that file.
Experimental WIP: Create and Destory Events
You can convert the imported file’s start block into an event by supplying the event attribute.
This is useful to create maps using a tool and then using that file to add new Map content via an event. A timer and variable of the same name will be created to manage triggering
<set_variable name="CreateEventName" value="2.0" />
<event name="CreateEventName">
<if_timer_finished name="CreateEventName"/>
<if_variable name="CreateEventName" comparator="EQUALS" value="0.0" />
<set_variable name="CreateEventName" value="1.0" />
Trigger the content with:
<set_timer name="CreateEventName" second="1" />
<set_variable name="CreateEventName" value="0.0" />
Destroy attribute will convert creates in start block’s creates into destroy the objects.
<set_variable name="DestroyEventName" value="2.0" />
<event name="DestroyEventName">
<if_timer_finished name="DestroyEventName"/>
<if_variable name="DestroyEventName" comparator="EQUALS" value="0.0" />
<set_variable name="DestroyEventName" value="1.0" />
Trigger the content with:
<set_timer name="DestroyEventName" second="1" />
<set_variable name="DestroyEventName" value="0.0" />
<mission_data version="1.0">
<import name="TheArena-terrain.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-ancient-one.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-anomalies-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-checkin-buttons-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-declare-winner-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-drones-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-game.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-hacking-tempate.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-penalties-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-players.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-ships-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-stations-template.xml" />
<import name="TheArena-wreck-template.xml" />